I love The Mummers Parade from a child on up and being I live on West Coast the parade is not broadcast .wished it was as I really miss seeing it every New Year’s Day . Am happy to see on this wonderful site some of the Mummers strutting once again . Thank You Kindly Mr.Mummer !!
Do you perform any ways else besides Philadelphia if so what cities
Collingwood, NJ’s free Summer Mummers string band concert series on Powell Lane plaza, 7pm, 4th Wednesdays May-August:
May 25 – Ferko String Band
June 22 – South Philadelphia South String Band
July 27 – Quaker City String Band
Aug 24 – Fralinger String Band
@Patricia: watch the Mummers Parade live or archived at PHL17.com (and youtube)
I love The Mummers Parade from a child on up and being I live on West Coast the parade is not broadcast .wished it was as I really miss seeing it every New Year’s Day . Am happy to see on this wonderful site some of the Mummers strutting once again . Thank You Kindly Mr.Mummer !!