Update December 4, 2014
It’s been brought to my attention that news about the Frogs taking a different route may be false. I have received conflicting reports and people close to members of Froggy Carr have not heard of a route change.
I apologize if the news was not accurate.
Original Post
Froggy Carr announced tonight on Facebook that they will continue to follow the traditional Mummers Parade route up Broad St to City Hall…How do you feel about that? Comment on Twitter @Philly_Mummers or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/PhiladelphiaMummers
Lets be real.If the city cant make money off of you or claim that they are psart of it ,then they want it to disappear.The minute they start getting involved they ll tear it apart.Stick together on this tradition.What if the original mummers from the start gave in or were paid off there wouldnt be anything.Face it ladies and gentlemen ,if we stick together theres just too many mummers for them to stop.Keep the lines of communication open ,We can be seperate in our clubs, but we are all ONE as MUMMERS.
I can’t believe the comments I’m reading…who do you think you are? This isn’t *your* parade, you know. I’m glad FC’s execs didn’t let a lot of belligerent babies ruin it.
Or maybe they knew that this bunch of drunks would’ve quickly gotten lost without other Brigades to follow. Judging from older comments, many seem to be too illiterate to follow street signs.
The Parade belongs on South Broad St going North to City Hall !! Don’t Mess With Tradition!! Who Dat Who Dat Who dat Froggy Carr !!!
Good for you show them we are south philly and this is one tradition they can’t take away from us GO FROGGIES
No comment from Bryson NYB
Stop starting rumors
I agree. It’s a tradition. Leave it alone. Stop changing the parade.
I agree with THE FROGS & ok it might not be the original tradition but it is OUR TRADITION how many people marching today marched in 1967???? My GRANDFATHER the late GREAT MUMMERS LEGEND JOSEPH “POP GOOTCH” BRYSON HATED CHANGE & HATED ELECTED OFFICIALS JUMPING IN AND MESSING WITH IT…. The mayor would be happy to sell the Mummers to New York he hated us since he stepped into office… Yes they are looking for any reason to toss us off the street…. I would love the 2015 parade route to remain the same at least for MY GRANDFATHERS MEMORIAL YEAR even if I cant be there in person to see it… TAKE A STAND & FOLLOW THE FROGS… THE FANCIES ALREADY MOVED INSIDE THE STRING BANDS MAY SOON FOLLOW & A WENCH WILL ALWAYS MARCH TO THEIR OWN BEAT OUT ON THE STREET …. KEEP STRUTTING ITS OUR PARADE SOUTH PHILLY JEEP IT THERE !!!!!!!!!! FOREVER A MUMMER BY BLOOD & BY CHOICE NO MATTER WHERE I LIVE IN THE WORLD
My father marched in the parade at 3 years old in the 20’s….my husband in the 50’s…my son at the age of 2 in the 60s. My husband’s cousin was Jimmy (Froggy) Carr. If the Wenches want to follow their long tradition…let them.
This new route is the start of them shutting the parade down and let’s be real here now frank it hanged over yrs but nothing like this I no 98% of the member on the wench ass. Board and it’s all going togo down hill from here out nutter dot want us out there thts
its a shame that one day a year Mummers are taking the risk of ruining the tradition for everyone. These changes are no different than changes made in 1952, 1967 and other years. All were done in an effort to save the great tradition of Mummery. Now it will all be put to risk by people who do nothing to protect it other than “claim” they are traditionalist. Bet not one of them know the origins of this great tradition.
the mummers are standing up for the tradition no reason we cant march past Washington ave. and if youhavnt been in a parade before frank when we went that way down to market it was a disaster cause was no where to put 10000 people and the suppurt staff goes with it
frank,how many years have you marched? I’ve paraded for over 55 years with some of the best string bands on the street. Don”t tell me how change is good for the city. You have no clue to what it was like back in the day with crowds from start to finish,ending at the Inquirer Bldg,so before you open up your mouth about this parade being good for the city,check your history,asshole.
This is why I love those guys…they don’t care…good for you Frogs…hope the others do follow suit
Change the parade route are froggy is coming for you