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Below are my top 5 String Band themes inspired by Halloween.  Let me know in the comment section below what should be added to the list.

1) Back From the Dead – Fralinger String Band (2013)
21 days before the 2013 parade, Fralinger’s warehouse where they stored their props was engulfed in flames. They salvaged the props that weren’t too damaged and went on to sweep the 2013 string band division (1st prize band and 1st prize captain).

2) Stage Fright – Fralinger String Band (1989)
This is a fantastic haunted theme by Fralinger. Musically it’s my favorite on the list. The suits look amazing with the lights and wet street. Even though Fralinger took home 2nd place in 1989, this theme was worthy of a 1st place performance.

3) Frightful Finale – Quaker City String Band (2002)
This is a really entertaining Haloween theme by QC. Captain Bob Shannon started the performance, but became ill and was not able to complete his ending dance. Future QC captain Charlie Roetz filled in during the final dance even though he was not originally part of the finishing dance. Quaker won first prize in 2002 and took home 2nd place captain.

4) Polish American – Ghouls Gone Wild (2008) I thought this was a very good performance by PA. The costumes and props were very colorful and I thought they were very solid musically.

5) Scared Silly – Wodland String Band (1994)
This theme is a parody of scary things. I thought the performance was fun and had some creative music choices for a faux haunted theme. The costumes and makeup looked good, but the props were very small compared to modern day string band performances. This edges out some other haunted themes because they came in 4th place.